While we continue doing our best to protect ourselves and the people we serve, we are literally counting the days for the time we can welcome family and friends back into our living settings to visit normally.
This is true for Pioneer Pointe, Pioneer Cottages, and PioneerCare Center.
Our decision whether to open more fully for visitors is based on a number of conditions given by federal regulators related to virus spread. On our website, we’re posting two of these key indicators that drive our decision.
First, the county case positivity rate must be less than 10 percent before we open to visitors beyond people identified as Essential Caregivers, or in the case of a Compassionate Care situation.
Second, there needs to be no active detected cases for residents, staff, or others within the living setting for 14 consecutive days before we can decide to open for visitors.
The rate of community spread and active cases prevent us from opening our doors more widely at this time. The limitations caused by the pandemic continue to challenge our resiliency. We deeply appreciate your understanding as we all exercise patience. We invite you to count the days with us as we monitor these conditions, along with other criteria that will inform our decisions. We will update the county case positivity rate weekly and the number of detected cases within Pioneer as they are identified.